Wadsworth 4 on the road follow footsteps


This sketch for example, illustrates some of the technical problems Wadsworth had in capturing a vista



Wadsworth View of Sandwich and Ossipee Mountains, and islands in the Winneopeseogie, c.. 1826

Watercolor on paper

Wadsworth Athenaeum 2010.19.4


4 1/4 x 9 5/16 in. (10.8 x 23.7 cm), height x width



while Wadsworth lacked the skill, talent, 
Fortunately, he had the passion, interest, imagination, knowledge and money ... 
Inscription shows keen observation skills 

Verso, across center, in black(?) ink: A. Genera / View of the Sandwich, and & Ossipee. Mountains_ & the Islands in the Winnepiseoge(sp?) / taken by Daniel Wadsworth from Barn Door Island 8 miles down the lake from [illegible] / the colouring (what there is) put on out doors on the spot for as an experiment (so) / that colour might be true to nature as the scene then appeared_. / Lookin (sic) North West.

barn door island one of the places Wadsworth recommended Cole go
insert google satelitte view of barn door

more wadsworth art in order 




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