bugs, bark, and words part 3

follow up from previous blogs 
list here 

focus on 
how to work ash (do this as part 3)  
locate and id ash trees 
what belknap says 
pics overall shape ash tree

it helps me identify if I think of a pattern 
braided like a woven basket? 

pic of the straw basket I have 

also think of 
expanded sheet metal lath used for plaster work. 

lets look at splints seen baskets in the exhibit, from the collection of the Conway Historical Society


to make baskets ash logs are pounded 
pound steadily along the log to loosen the growth rings, which will separate into nice even layers called splints. These layers can be split again to get the thickness desired for a particular size and type of basket. The basket maker then needs to get the strips the correct width for the basket.

pounding other trees such as pine, birch, maple does not yield the same result. 
see other blogs for details on those trees. 


the nature of this tree 
the splints separate 

... and can be peeled off
(note make a sample section of log that looks like the above) 

shaped into splints 
simple tools 

insert pics chs tools 
... and woven into baskets.

FMI from the NH Folklife program re: ash baskets follow this link here

another way to use the tree nature of ash, is in the traditional New Hampshire way of making dog sleds
when steamed, ash bends well.... 

THC on Aug 17 at
fmi on this and other traditional arts events this summer
see link here



FMI from the NH Folklife program about dog sled making see this link here

and ash for chairs 
add pics chair kit, esp the cpl windsor chair... pics 



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