Portal Project Draft C (stone)


perhaps for this one don't include pics of the damage? or? 

on x date around x am the Conway Public Library was damaged in a tragic accident. Two columns and other decorative elements surrounding the original entrance portal were broken into pieces, bits and strewn on the ground, scattered 

the library plans to restore ... to their original position. 

start with the damage, on x date around x time, a tragic accident damaged the original front entrance portal of the library and examine restore to the original or vice versa? 


on x date around x am the Conway Public Library was damaged in a tragic accident. Two columns and other decorative elements surrounding the original entrance portal were broken into pieces, bits and strewn on the ground, scattered 

the library plans to restore ... to their original position. 

In previous blogs we have looked at examined the design and construction of the library's stone foundation, here, (add more on foundation, spliting stone, etc. and see here. brickwork here, copper roof here, interior woodwork here, and even the excavation of the cellar here (or put dirt first?)

we can start our study, exploration just steps from where the incident/accident occured, 
A memorial plaque in the red room credits the stone work is credited to J. P. Falt, 

The library was built 1900, 
inaguration 1901, 

show how it was grand, inviting, elegant, unlike any building in town 
unique in its construction and details 
copy from the national register nomination available here. 
Tolles book? 

but we need not rely on physical evidence alone. 
we have a vast archives of photos, pamphlets, even curios, a mascot, remnants, 
explored in previous blog on paper trail for the portal




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