
Showing posts from May, 2022

Portal Project Draft C (stone)

abc x  perhaps for this one don't include pics of the damage? or?  on x date around x am the Conway Public Library was damaged in a tragic accident. Two columns and other decorative elements surrounding the original entrance portal were broken into pieces, bits and strewn on the ground, scattered  x x x the library plans to restore ... to their original position.  x start with the damage, on x date around x time, a tragic accident damaged the original front entrance portal of the library and examine restore to the original or vice versa?  x x  on x date around x am the Conway Public Library was damaged in a tragic accident. Two columns and other decorative elements surrounding the original entrance portal were broken into pieces, bits and strewn on the ground, scattered  x x x the library plans to restore ... to their original position.  x  In previous blogs we have looked at examined the design and construction of the library's stone foundation,  here , (add more on foundation