
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Farm's First Harvest

ICE! Historically, ice was harvested in this area from frozen ponds and lakes using a specific set of tools.  Thanks to a generous loan from the Freedom New Hampshire Historical Society the Conway Public Library's Henney History Room has been able to present a new program on ice harvesting which we offer free to local schools and community groups. It starts with laying tools out on tables or the floor in no particular order... ... and inviting the students to then try to figure out the order in which they would have been used, which of course they can not do. Then we watch the opening scene of the Disney film Frozen and they try again... ...and they are able to figure it out.  We confirm and expand their understanding of the tools and the ice harvesting process by examining period photos and archival materials from the Henney History Room collection.  Now they are able to put a name to the tools... such as this ice hook.  Then the students closely examine the tools and with a littl