
Cole Oct View Near Tamworth splotches watercolor

a x x outline or profile of mountain peaks  with handwritten notes of  distance, color,  buy make camera lucida  x x Whiteface  from Fellows Hill Road photo/s close approximation of the scene  x x skill at capturing overall view and details  x 1860 map suggests was road in the 1820's  Durgin covered bridge also see usgs maps  location swamps, when route 25 built  Weygant  Seven miles to Sandwich  x x z

Stooks, shocks and cocks: A field guide to farming forensics

a recently noticed mistake, misattribution Princeton for years we hosted Fall Festival to provide hands-on  continue to do that through outreach programs schools and community groups recently ADC  z

Dining with History Hobbs

Oh, the things I do for history... ... like go to dinner at a nice restaurant just to explore the hidden messages within the decor so I can share it with you.    Let's start with a pair of chromolithographs hung on the wall at the Hobbs Tavern and Brewing Co in West Ossipee, New Hampshire.  chromos a special somewhat neglected form of art  explain what they are  insight into historic scenery views like this often mistaken for haying  depending on the weather, harvests can be only a few weeks apart but clearly look different need a field guide to farming forensics  see here.  stook, shock and cock  fieldwork farming forensics  free outreach program art of the harvest  x Champney, Chocorua Artist’s Brook 1871 Benjamin Champney Prang chromolithograph original sold  Original Champney for this print? for sale Sept 10, 2024

Geology Scene, Seen and Structured

a geologists picture the landscape  C.T. Jackson, Hitchcock  scene term scenery used in book titles of the period  like a scene in a theater  stage, framed  parts of a theater stage parts of a theater curtain  nn distinctive rock, elephant head, important feature,  insert photo here? Let's look at the print of the "White Mountain Notch" and compare it with another view of the same vista published x years later. All three images show the difference in tree cover on the left (east) side versus the right (west) side of the notch. shapes and contours of the slopes are more accurate on the Oakes. insert many original spragues at currier, but not this, only a bit however, we do have several sketches by cole used to create his masterpiece sketches here the notch continued to be popular, as it remains today view from Highland Center z

Wadsworth New Haven to New Hampshire

a see blog  map to the mountains new haven to new hampshire  published 2024 07-30 also  blog drafts Jackson 04 cole rockstars Seen and structured  why the adams? name of mountain?  x His lack of artistic ability can be seen in  an example from his sketchbook. Source: Wadsworth sketchbook at Wadsworth Athenaeum p. 87 Some of the detailed visual information in the sketch also shows up in a print attributed to Wadsworth that was published (facing title page) in 1826 in the 2nd edition (with 1827 additions) of Theodore Dwight's  The Northern Traveler .  To view the print from the book follow this link  here .  To read the associated text (pp 311-314) online follow this link and start  here .  x oakes plate 5 see his text insert many original spragues at currier, but not this, only a bit however, we do have several sketches by cole used to create his masterpiece sketches here the notch continued to be popular, as it remains tod

wadsworth 2 avalanche print

in previous blogs we ...  Another print based on a Wadsworth sketch can also be linked to this same area.  This print is credited to Wadsworth and can be found in Theodore Dwight's, Sketches of Scenery and Manners in the United States , 1829 f acing P. 68 (follow this link here ). one person on top rock on the right labeled Avalanches in the White Mountains “Sketched by D. Wadsworth Esqr”  Shows one person with hiking staff on top of a rock on the right  Title: Avalanches in the White Mountains Date:  1830 Artist:  Daniel Wadsworth Lithographer:   Publisher:  Source: The Garland Collection of:  Bryant Tolles Might check with him on this about this source, The Garland, I don’t know anything about that see what McGrath says Avalanches in the White Mountains,  McGrath  Pp. 80 refering to this image Wadsworth, "probably executed the earliest known panoramic view from a White Mountain summit." compare with bob photo from same location if can do that Similar print below publish